If you are looking for extra spending power in these uncertain times now is the time to sell silver. That’s because silver prices have grown so much at the start of the new year, silver has hit an eight-year high! At $29 an ounce, the precious metal is delivering a good value for both new and old investors. It also means that the silver items you have at home, from rings to necklaces and plates and spoons to other collectibles are worth more today than they have been in eight years. The high mark may not hold for long though, so if you have silver items that are broken, you haven’t used or worn in a while, or are looking to sell for cash, the time is now!
How to Cash in on Rising Silver Prices
If you have silver items you are ready to sell for cash, what’s the easiest, safest, and quickest way to do so? As a seller, you have a few options available to you to trade in silver items for cash and take advantage of the rising prices happening now.
The most common ways to sell silver items for cash are at a local jeweler, local pawn shop, or online. If you’re looking for the safest and quickest way to sell your items for cash without leaving your own home – online sales are your best bet. Online silver sales can offer you cash for items quickly, ensure your silver is protected by insured shipping from door to door, and get paid electronically quickly and safely.
What to expect from online sales of silver items
Before you take the plunge, learn more about what to expect from online jewelry and silver sales. The first thing to look for from a reputable online buyer is free shipping of your items to the retailer that is insured to protect your items and quick, using priority shipping from a company like FedEx or UPS. As poor USPS shipping timeliness has been impacting many small businesses recently, using a company that protects your silver assets by offering free, fast and secure shipping is more important now than ever before.
Next, you should look for an online store that offers a free assessment of your items and promises to return the items to you quickly and at no charge if you don’t agree on a price. As the seller, you have the power in online sales of silver items.
One way to discover what others think of online silver retailers before you request a seller’s packet (which should come directly to you for free and include all the directions and tools you need to sell your item online, including a pre-paid shipping envelope) – is to look for online reviews from other sellers like you. One thing to keep in mind is to look for a big number of reviews, showing the online company has been around a long time and has already helped a lot of happy customers. An average positive rating – with a few lower reviews outside the average here and there – should be what you’re looking for.
Finally, when you sell silver jewelry or other items online you can expect a quick turnaround in payment times. What does that mean? Most online retailers will publish directly on their website how long it takes for payment to be sent to you for items you sell. There are many different payment options to chose from as well, including direct transfer to your savings account and online payment options like PayPal. Make sure you understand how and when you will receive payment before sending in your items for sale to an online store.
How Do I Know If My Item Is Real Silver?
Before you have your item professionally appraised, there are some ways to help you tell if the item is truly silver. One of those is the stamp number that identifies how much precious metal is in the item. There are different stamps and numbers used by different countries, but the most common silver stamp numbers are: 800, 925, 958 and 999.
If your silver item has one of these common number markings, you can feel assured that your item is probably made from real silver. The higher the number, the more silver it includes. Items could also be marked with the word Silver, while markings of SS or St Steel mean the item is made from steel, not silver.
The time is now to get the most cash for silver or cash for gold from the items you’ve collected. Whether it’s a chain or earrings with a broken clasp or an item you simply do not wear anymore, silver items are worth more now than they have been for more than eight years. With the money you make from unused items – you can start you new year off on the right track!